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MembershipClub Membership

Individual Membership $60
Family Membership $65

* Inclusive of insurance while on club trips and Qld 4WD Fees
* Membership year is from April to March
* We are affiliated with 4WD Queensland

People that would like to see what our club is about prior to taking out membership are welcome to come along to any of our outings (for up to two outings). By coming along on one of our trips or to a club meeting will give you a chance to learn the kinds of 4WDing we do, meet some of the other members and ask questions....totally free of any obligation to join our club.

As a club member you are entitled to attend as many of our events throughout the year that you wish. When becoming a member, you will be given a "Breakaway Offroad 4X4 New Member Pack", this contains a letter of welcome, contact details for the Committee, a copy of the club Constitution, club bumper sticker and other various information handouts and forms for you to keep.

Members are encouraged to purchase at least the basic recovery equipment of: 2 bow shackles rated to minimum 3.2 tonne; 8000kg minimum breaking strain snatch strap; WD40; Spare tyre in good condition (and jack, + bar etc). Should your vehicle need assistance out on a trip it is 4WD courtesy to let the rescue vehicle use your recovery equipment for the job.

The Committee of Breakaway Offroad 4X4 Club Inc and its members does not accept responsibility for accident or injury that may occur to other members or guests that choose to participate of their own accord in club events.

Click here to download a PDF of our Membership Application

Click here to download a PDF of our Club Constitution

Click here to download a PDF of our Club Brochure

Click here to download a Trip Sheet